Montag, 1. November 2010
Erdos Number
(Nur nebenbei für alle, die sich weniger für die akademischen als vielmehr für die boulevardischen Themen interssieren: Erdos, unverheiratet und kinderlos, koffein- und amphetaminabhängig, war unter anderem für sein Vagabuntenleben bekannt. Mit nur wenigen Habseligkeiten am eigenen Mann soll er bei Kollegen aufgeschlagen sein, diese mit einem "My brain is open" begrüßt haben und so dann - wie gesagt ohne Vorwarnung und so - Quartier bezogen haben. Weitere Errungenschaften: Über 15 Ehrendoktortitel, FBI-Akteneintrag, Verhaftung, Einreiseverbot in die USA - um nur einige zu nennen)
So jetzt aber wieder zurück zum Thema: Die Erdos Number beschreibt im Grunde den Abstand einer Person zur Autorschaft mit Paul Erdos. Direkte Koautoren erhalten die Erdos Number 1. Personen, die mit einer Person veröffentlichen, die die Zahl eins führt, erhalten die Zahl zwei, sind also zwei imaginäre Schritte von der direkten schreiberischen Zusammenarbeit mit dem Matheguru entfernt. (Wie sich nun jeder vorstellen kann: Meine Erdos Numer muss ziemlich groß sein...)
Klingt spannend dieser Typ - eine Mischung aus authistischem Genie und Weltenbummler -. Fand auch George Paul Csicsery, der kurzer Hand einen Film über Erdos Leben und Person drehte. (N Is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdős). Dies wiederum, und das ist nun wirklich der Abschluss des heutigen Artikels, führte dazu, dass Erdos - inzwischen leider verstorben - stolzer Inhaber der Bacon Number drei (Basierend auf der Distanz zu Kollaborationen mit All-Time-Romatikkomödien Held Kevin Bacon)
Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010
Und natürlich Brasilien
Kleine empirische Studie zum Abschluss der Woche
Hier die Herleitung. Kurz vorm Schlafen gehen noch mal schnell die Spiegel-Seite gecheckt, um die räumliche Distanz mit heimischen Nachrichten zu kompensieren.
Und da war doch glatt die Schlagzeile: Dilma Rouseff wird Brasiliens neue Nummer Eins. Jaja, bravo, eine Frau, und das auch noch in Südamerika..uiui..Es lebe der Fortschritt.
Doch die eigentliche Frage, die ich mir beim Anblick des den Artikel begleitenden Fotomaterials stellte: Sehen denn alle weiblichen Staatoberhäupter mies aus?
Bei den männlichen Kollegen ist das ja kein Geheimnis (oder?) aber kommt es auch bei den Frauen mit der Berufswahl.
Muss man um als Frau Staatsoberhaupt zu werden mies aussehen? Steht sozusagen in der Jobdiscription. Oder wird man auf dem Weg dahin unattraktiv, ich meine: der gaze Trubel und so?
Werden hübsche Frauen in einem männerdominierten politischen System einfach nicht ernst genommen und kommen deshalb nicht weit. Kann man nur, wenn die eigene Schönheit nicht blendet, wichtige Themen ansprechen. Beneiden einen die Wähler um die Schönheit und wählen deshalb keine Kandidaten, die die eigene Schönheit übertreffen. Hm, vielleicht promoviere ich dich noch...Würde sich im Augenblick zufällig anbieten...
Also wie auch immer: hier ein paar Beispiele:
Staatsoberhaupt von England: Queen Elisabeth II.
...spricht für sich selbst, oder...
(Foto: Wikipedia)
Chiles Ex-Präsidentin Michelle Bachelet:
...Erinnert mich irgendwie an Frau Merkel, oder?...
Kirgistan featuring Rosa Otunbajewa:
(Foto: Wikipedia)
Und natürlich Angie:
(Foto: Wikipedia)
Glücklicherweise, welch Erleichterung, konnte ich feststellen, dass es auch ein paar flotte Bienen unter den Staatsoberhäupterinnen und Regierungschefinnen gibt, siehe Finnland und Costa Rica. Hmmm, wie es die wohl dahin geschafft haben?...Wird dann im Kapitel II der Diss bearbeitet...
(Fotots: Wikipedia)
Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010
Bellingham Lace Ups
Sonntag, 1. August 2010
Current Glasses Wishlist
First: Brand: Shoron Glasses
Frame: Freeway
Color: Demi Amber
Reason: This frame is a nice compromise between round and angular shapes. The skew sides give your face a delicate shape and last but not least: The color palett of "Demi Amber" is so beautiful, I could cry. It goes well with blondish, brownish or redish hair. These are just perfect autumn glasses.
Second:Brand: PRISM
Frame: Paris
Color: Zebra Horn or Crystal GrayReason.
Reason: These frames come in a nice round shape that isn't face filling. It is more discreetly assimilating to female faces but still being fashionable with modern shapes and different colors. The zebra horn color looks very new and interesting with the strong bright-dark contrast and goes well if you wear simple sleek looks without to much color or patterns. The crystal gray just looks nicely fragile and is less severe but more playful.
Third: Brand: Moscot
Frame: NEBB
Color: Orchid/Pink
Reason: I like the idea that a small traditional eyewear familiy business gets inspired by Chris Benz and throws out these funky glasses that come in eyechatching colors. The frame has a nice unisex shape that gives you a friendly look, because it doesn't cut away or distort your eyes, it just nicely surrounds them .
Mittwoch, 28. Juli 2010
Liebnitzsee: Clash of Cultures
A small beach spot in the middle of the forrest wilderness: pure nature, crystal clear is so beautiful...
But ahhh, what is that?? All these naked people...everywhere... shaking their a...., p...., and b.... over the lakeside. It makes me breath short. Is that some pervert insider place, where all those people come who love to make out in front of others? Think, think, think... Oh no, wait, there are too many kids around for open air adult perversions. But what is it then: I am afraid, it is compulsory to hang around naked here and start to make a plan how to get out of the situation without appearing as a prude party pooper.
Then finally my friends shed light on the "red-light"-issue. Here are the results:
1) We are in East Germany. Many people spending their weekend at Liebnitzsee are from East Germany.
2) Many people in East Germany ("Ossis") grew up with nudist/naturism beach culture and still celebrate it. It is something very normal and has no sexual relevance.
3) People from West Germany ("Wessis") are usually considered to be prude because of their inhibitions to join the nudist-cult (although there are many who love it as well).
--> Clash of cultures at Liebnitzsee
Sunday evening in Mitte: Where it is usually very busy and packed with tourists, you can now find an intimite moment in front of the Bode-Museum. There is silence, there is waiting and there is curiosity. But mostly, there is relaxation. The sun is setting, it is getting chillier but the stairs where I sit keep me comfortably warm. Then, finally, an acrobatic move of the conductor and I can already feel the soundwaves of the trumpets squeezing my torso (I am sitting in 10 cm distance from five trumpet, trombone and tuba players).
And then the beauty begins: First with Benjamin Britten and then Peter Tschaikowsky - Symphony No 5. The musicians of Lietzeorchester gently stroke their hands over their instruments and completely dazzle the grateful audience.
Berlin, I like! Lietzeorchester, I like! Open air Tschaikowsky, I like!
More, more, more......
Montag, 26. Juli 2010
Liebermann-Villa at Berlin Wannsee
Max Liebermann (1847 - 1935) built his very own "Casa Rustica" on a property in the prominent Alsen neighborhood at Berlin Wannsee, where he resided during the summer months. His "Castle at the Lake" with its beautiful garden was the subject of lots of his later masterpieces. He lived there with wife and daughter until he died in 1935, all frustrated since his dreams of the assimilation of the Jews into German society apparently failed.
Surpressed by the Nazi regime in his career and freedom, Liebermann is reported to have said about the topic: "I can not eat as much as I would like to vomit". The tragic downfall of the Liebermann house and family speeded up after Liebermann's death. The Villa continued to be the house of his wife Martha until it was taken away by Nazi authorities who used it as a home for their famale entourage.
Later, Martha commited suicide in 1943 in order to avoid deportation to a concentration camp.
After the Second World War the famous Villa served as a hospital where Liebermann's former studio was tured into an operating room, then rented out to an aquatic sports club house until finally in 2006 the house was opend to the public as a Museum in honor of Max Liebermann.
Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010
Sibel Kikelli in "When We Leave"
Watch Feo Aladag’s very emotional and melancholic “When We Leave” with the amazing Sibel Kikelli in a family portray between Germany and Turkey, modern spirit and tradition, destruction and love. Maybe you will find some answers….or not.
“When We Leave” (Die Fremde) (2010) - ****
Montag, 7. Juni 2010
Dear Mr Khan,
I just came back from the movies where I paid four Euros for a Sneak Preview. That means i did't know what I was going to see. If I knew before, I wouldn't have paid for it. You know, I'm just not a big fan of you, I am a prejudiced non-Bollywood-movie-watcher.
After we had been half way through "My name is Khan" I was about to write a letter. "Dear Mr Khan, this was your first try to win my favor: ...And you blew it!"
But then suddenly, you pulled out the cheapest and cheesiest tricks from the movie bag of tricks, made my cry for an hour straight, made my heart wrinkled like a dry plum, used all what's in there like love, death, discrimination and loss.
Your still on the "maybe on a rainy Sunday if there is nothing else on TV"-movie list, but with the emotional breakout you made me experience, you deserve **.
Lucky you, the stimulating music and beloved San Francisco bring you another *.
"My name is Khan" (2010) - ***
Sonntag, 6. Juni 2010
Movies Movies Movies
Moday, June 7, 2010: Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway in Arthur Penn's "Bonnie and Clyde" (1967), at Open-Air Theater Mitte, OmeU - "They're young. They're in love. They rob banks".
- some people say it's one of the most fashionalbe movies in history.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010. The "kinoklub" from Humboldt-University will show the winner of the Cannes Film Festival 2009 and Academy Award Nominee "Das weiße Band- Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte" (2009). Don't miss it, 8pm at Kinosaal HU
A day at Wannsee
Today the Berlin Wannsee was the backdrop for a beautiful day outside.
As soon as the thermometer showed more than 25°C, hundreds of Berlin locals and tourists, couples and families, with sunscreen and bathing suits in their bags, made their way to the Strandbad Wannsee. The chilly water and some Magnum Gold icecream made us survive the heat. We stayed until late in the afternoon, spying on the freshly waxed chicken breasts around us and the latest fashion trends in swim wear (interpreted by big city teenagers)...
Strandbad Wannsee, I like!
Easy Rider
How do you imagine freedom?
So much tattle about Dennis Hopper's "Easy Rider" and I still haven't managed to watch it...until Saturday came.
For everybody, that – like me – has survived without watching the movie, here is a brief recap of what is going on: Hopper's first movie as a director tells the story of two guys that just got some money out of a drug deal. On a road trip on their Harley Davidson motorbikes, they are trying to make their way all through the American south/southwest just in time for the famously celebrated Mardi Gras carnival in New Orleans/Lousiana.
Two guys (Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper himself), two Harley Davidsons, some mind opening drugs, in one big country. No duties, no responsibilities: what seems to be at first glance the story of a soon to be forgotten Sunday night TV series should become one of the most recognized and commercially successful blockbusters of the time (a gross revenue of about $42 Mio. with a budget of less than half a million dollars), indicating that a new area in Cinema – the so called “New Hollywood” – is about to take over. An, at least for me, unexpectedly intimate quest for freedom in the land of boundless possibility, that after the turbulent events of the 60s, has left a disillusioned generation of mostly young Americans, that feel more and more detached from the government and its policies. What to do, where to go, who to be in this new world – those are the questions that Wyatt (totally handsome played by producer Peter Fonda) and Billy (director Dennis Hopper) are longing to answer.
On their way to New Orleans they make the acquaintance of the Americas most scurrile characters that bring then into all kinds of dangerous and bizarre situations. Among those encounters they pick up a hippie that they eventually give a ride to his commune, where they can observe over their short visit that, although sounding very alternative and free, life in a commune is, especially for those big city cosmopolitans, surprisingly hard and unromantic. (Just a side note for everybody into film gossip: like famous contemporary film maker Sofia Coppola who has made her even more famous father Francis and brother Roman become the producers of her new film “Somewhere” and her husband to sing its soundtrack, also Fonda seems to enjoy working with his family on set: in the commune scene you can find Fonda’s back then four year old daughter having her film premier.) Later on, leaving the commune life behind we find the two motor cyclists arrested for (drunkenly) disturbing a street-parade, where they get to know lawyer George (brilliantly Jack Nicholson), who, although suffering from a severe alcohol addiction, manages to get them out of jail and soon joins them on their trip. Unfortunately with not such a good ending for George, who, after an argument with some small minded hillbillies (“locals”) tragically finds him at the end of his personal tour.
Now again as a duo, Wyatt and Billy are again on the road for New Orleans, only briefly stopping at George’s favorite brothel to pick up some “Staff” Karen and Mary, that they take with them along to the Mardi Gras Parade – supposedly the end of their journey, which they of course wanted to celebrate accordingly with a special farewell present from the hippie. “Take it with the right people” he said when he handed over the LSD, that now is the reason for a cinematographically beautiful, yet disturbing pre-finale scene.
A long tour comes to an end through an America we have seen portrayed in multiple faces – racist hillbillies, wild whores and “free” hippies, drunks and drug-addicts – not quite the America I imagined finding in this film, but quite a statement by Hopper and Fonda about what they perceive as being their country and its people at that time.
Besides telling the stories of the people they meet and portaying the environment they live in, the movie also shows another face of the United States in its turbulent times at the end of the 10960s. A country built on the pillers of freedom, stuck in small-mindness towards differentness. A country divided by its own people and their approach to otherness.
"A man went looking for America. And couldn’t find it anywhere..." says the movie poster.
All this in front of the beautiful backdrop of the American south (definitely to be watched on big screen) and to the music of this time's hipster-bands: Steppenwolf, Jimi Hendirx Experience, The Byrds...Who doesn’t like to sing along the lines of Steppenwolf’s “Born to be Wild”, that so much reflect the movie, the lyrics of a whole generation (although not mine, but I still love it)?
Get your motor running
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way
Like a true nature child
We were born
Born to be wild
We have climbed so high
Never want to die
Born to be wild
Born to be wild
I had tons of prejudices before seeing the movie. In particular, I was concerned that this is kind of a macho-road-movie, where the protagonists focus on sex, drugs, beer and motorbikes and run short in telling a deep story...and in Easy Rider: yes, it is kind of a macho movie with the former mentioned attributed but it definitely doesn’t lack drive and thoughtfulness! It's everything else but boring!
I was more than surprised, when the movie turned out to be a very sensitive and contemporary portray of this huge American country and some of its issues in society – also capturing some very current issues of today.
Using drug experience, sex orgies and contrasting it with the loneliness on the road and the intimacy at a fire place the movie found a great way of showing an intimate quest for freedom.
Easy Rider (1969) - ****
Dienstag, 4. Mai 2010
Met Costume Institute Gala 2010
The international who is who in the (sorry:) "entertainment" business followed the invitation to the opening event of the Metropolitan Museum's exhibition "American Women: Fashioning a National Identity" to the night of the nights for the fashion crowd: The Met Costume Institute Gala.
What lingers are the colorful celebrity pictures from the red carpet. This year the fight for the best-dressed award was hard. (Unfortunately the fight for the skinniest body award was hard as well: What happened to the Versace family?)
Kate Bosworth, in a nude but shiny Valentino dress plus matching clutch, with nicely draped retro curls is my fashion favourite on this event.
Rosa Berstein and Jean-Luc Godard
For this reason Berlin has lost of special events to offer showing the Godard classics and some of the less famous pieces.
Next Tuesday, on May 11th, the "kinoklub" of Humboldt-University Berlin, invites you to
Don't miss out on watching Jean-Paul Belmondo and Anna Karina appearing in a story that jumps between comedy, tragedy and thriller...and meet Rosa Bernstein's friends.
Donnerstag, 29. April 2010
Rosa Bernstein and Jagdish Bhagwati
On June 1st, famous professor of Economics and Law at Columbia University, Jagdish Bhagwati, is giving a lecture on "Capitalism after the Crisis: Myths and Fallacies" at the American Academy in Berlin.
To mention only a few of career milestones: WTO, UN, GATT, MIT, Human Rights Watch, Center for Civil Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Copenhagen Consensus...
Don't miss out on this event!
For preparation purposes read his famous book "In Defense of Globalization" (order for 4€ only from Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung)
Frieda Kahlo is coming to Berlin
Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón became famous not only by her art, where she combined traditional Mexican culture with her personal emotional state of mind, but also through her turbulent life. Suffering from physical pain since she was a young girl as the consequences of polio and a terrible bus accident, she later married distinguished painter Diego Rivera who encouraged her artistic career. The bisexual Frieda and husband Diego had to deal with both sided multiple extramarital affairs that added some more personal stress by the creation of emotional wounds. The couple was also politically active being involved in the Marxist movement where Kahlo was even able to support Leo Trotsky (of course not only platonically) when he and his wife were in exile in Mexico.
Kahlo used some of her painful personal events as multiple surgeries, miscarriage and infidelity as a source of artistic inspiration together with political and cultural awareness. The use of vibrant colors, nature and animals translates into an extroverted surrealistic style.
The Frieda Kahlo exhibition will be showcased at Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin until August, where the audience is invited to indulge in some of her most beautiful paintings accompanied by pictures courtesy of family and friends.
(Frieda Kahlo, Self-portray with monkey, 1938)
Montag, 26. April 2010
Anti-Boredom-Project I
Therefore she is proposing a project:
In the next few weeks I will introduce you to the most awesome music videos ever made regarding fashion and style and you will have the chance to vote for your favourites.
Suggestions welcome!
I am going to start with a blockbuster:
MADONNA -Vogue (Performance at MTV Video Music Awards 1990)
Madonna and her crew dressed in 18th century clothes giving a frivolous performance with great voluminous gowns and lustful dancers in sexy shorts. Not to forget about the Marie Antoinette hair and it!
"Ladies with an attitude
Fellows that were in the mood
Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it
Vogue, vogue"
Watch the video here and don't forget to leave a comment for Rosa BernsteinMittwoch, 21. April 2010
How to finish a long and boring day:
Here are the results of a "very productive" day in academia:
1) I have love for you, if you wear Miu Miu cat prints!
(the lovely Miu-Miu-cat-print-from-spring-summer-collection-2010-illustrations were found here)
Plus: 2) Slipper-Alarm!! (here is more) Give me feedback, how do you like the shoe?
Rosa Bernstein thinks it's great, but is it worth a 400 $ investment?
Outlook: there is a review of Jean-Luc Godard's "Vivre sa vie" to come soon!
Sonntag, 18. April 2010
Rosa Bernstein met Matthew Spacie
Being sent from his british employer to the turbulent city of Mumbai in order to manage the indian brach of their traveling business, Spacie soon felt he is working on the wrong side.
He usually played rugby on a playground nearby Mumbai Fashion Street where many of the very underpriviledged children of the 14 Million megacity live and start their day with substance abuse, stealing or just unsatisfied hunger. Matthew Spacie, who even made it to the indian national rugby team, invited 40 streetkids to get involved with him in sportive activities.
That was the starting point of "Magic Bus", a charity that soon should reach millions of little indians with a very unconventional plan.
The idea: Sport! Development through sports. The kids sign up for a program that makes them go through several sports moduls, teaching them not only how to become physically stronger but at the same time bringing to them moral virtues like teamplay, motivation, persistency and ambition. Breaking down the walls that gender, religion and caste create, sports and membership is giving the kids (and their parents) new perspectives in life being self-confident and aware citizens. They playfully learn how to deal with everyday situations by analysing game situations moderated by some sort of a referee or mentor.
Spacie said: "It is all about participation". After running through some Magic Bus programs-moduls, the kids soon get directly involved into the program by taking over responsibility for teams and becoming teachers or mentors themselves, passing on the Magic Bus spirit.
Being a business man for a long time, Spacies goal was the charity to be independent from institutional donors by raising their own money and growing fast. There were already enough non-profit organizations in India, stuck with small target groups and working as string puppets for huge donor institutions.
"It had to be scalable and sustainable", Spacie said at the BMW Young Leaders Lecture.
He wouldn't accept donations without the donor being actively involved into the program with for example teaching or administration work.
Today, Magic Bus is having lots of branch offices thorugout the counrty giving more then 4 Million marginalised kids the chance of a better life.
Being conferred by the Queen of England with the coveted "Member of British Empire", the runner of a huge development organisation, Spacie still hasn't finished "his work".
"We're currently working on expanding to other countries like Cambodia or Malaysia with our succesfull sports curriculum"
Get involved with Magic Bus by participation in the program or through bying a shirt from French Connection's fashionable Magic Bus Collection.
Mittwoch, 14. April 2010
Finacial Crisis Mambo Jambo
Ever heard of CDOs? Or CDSs?
The famous radio show "This American Life", produced by Chicago Public Radio, broadcasted a show about "Job inside".
The journalists shed light on a hedgefond company that bought risky parts of CDOs for cheap, bet on their default by "insurring" the whole CDO against failure (with a CDS), and by this method earned a pretty penny...
If this doesn't make any sense for you, here is a metaphor from american comedy "The Producers" that shows how it roughly worked:
"Under the right circumstances, a producer could actually make more money with a flop than he can with a hit.
Step 1: We find the worst play ever written.
Step 2: We hire the worst director in town.
Step 3: We raise two million dollars...One for me, one for you. There's a lot of little old ladies out there!
Step 4: We hire the worst actors in New York and open on Broadway and before you can say Step 5, we close on Broadway, take our two million, and go to Rio."
(Quote from: "The Producers", Act I)
Everything all right? Listen to the episode to learn more, non-economists also welcome!
Rosa Bernstein likes:
Check out this beautiful plastic frame from Berlin-based glasses manufactory "Mykita".
Rosa Bernstein ran into them in the Mykita Mitte-Store after having Burrito-lunch.
They come for example in bright pink or purple, what makes the nerdy frame less stiff.
I want I want I want!!!
How do you like them?
(Picture from Mykita Website)
Montag, 12. April 2010
Rosa Bernstein watched "Sin Nombre"...
Has anyone seen it yet and wants to share first impressions?
Rosa Bernstein is going to the Sneak Preview...
Here is my TOP-3-would-be-awesome-to-see list:
1. CHLOE: with most interesting actress in the world Julianne Moore. I am still dazzeld by her georgous (although smashed) 60s look in "A Single Man".
2. BAARIA: Sicily, one familiy, three generations and the stories of their lives: who can resist that movie? (For those who aren't convinced yet: You will miss the sensual italian icon Monica Bellucci)
3. THE HUNTER (Zeit des Zorns): well received movie at the Berlinale 2010. A man in Teheran/Iran is leading a dull life after getting out of prison. One day he has to find out that his wife died in riots. This is when he is about to lose control.
PLEASE GOD save me from "Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky". This is too much drama (of no relevance) for today...
Well, I'll let you know asap what I finally got.
What would you love to watch today?
Welcome to the World of Rosa Bernstein!
Take a look at what happens in the world of Rosa Bernstein.